====================================================================== Title : American Assault - Total Conversion 1.4/1.5 Execute : American Assault.bat Version : 1.4/1.5 Release date : January 1st 1999 Author(s) : Wardie Entertainmant (wardie) E-mail : ward@ruralnet.net.au Web Page : Coming Soon ====================================================================== Other Author(s) : Garfield E-mail : bens@dbn.lia.net ====================================================================== Coming soon from the Wardie Entertainment - Star Wars Trilogy TC With help from Garfield ====================================================================== ======== CONTENTS ======== 1. What is "American Assault - Total Conversion" ? 2. Installation / Starting a new game 3. Weapons / Inventory Items 4. DukeMatch levels 5. Credits 6. Filenames 7. Other stuff ========================================= 1. WHAT IS "American Assault - TOTAL CONVERSION" ? ========================================= American Assault is a total conversion (TC) add-on for Duke Nukem 3D v1.4/5. The TC takes place after " The Birth ". Duke takes his well deserved vacation but again it is screwed up but those alein maggots. Platoon TC features: * Five new weapons ( 2x Pistol, 2 Barrel ShotGun, Gatling Gun, Nuclear Pipebombs & the Super Devistator. * 6 new sounds and Some new graphics * 3 Single player Episodes * 1 Duke Match Episode ===================================== 2. INSTALLATION / STARTING A NEW GAME ===================================== 1) Copy the file American Assault.ZIP to your \Duke3d directory 2) Unzip the file American Assault.ZIP 3) Run American Assult.BAT 4) In Single Player, select 'START A NEW GAME' and the episode 'Florida Fury'. After that you must choose the difficulty level. I recommend the easiest 'BRING IT ON!', because It is not to har and not to easy. 5) For DukeMatch, the levels are in the 'USA MULTIPLAY' episode. ============================ 3. WEAPONS / INVENTORY ITEMS ============================ American Assault TC features Five new weapons. Here are short briefings on them: * 2x Standard Handgun Ammo pack: 12 rounds Max ammo: 180 rounds The Handgun is your standard weapon in the game. Needs reloading after 12 rounds. * Gatling Gun Ammo pack: 50 rounds Max ammo: 200 rounds Very usefull, but uses lots of ammo * 2 Barrel Shotgun Ammo pack: 5 Shells Max Shells: 50 Nice power for blowing away those alien bastards * Nuclear Grenades Ammo pack: 5 grenades Max grenades: 10 A very powerfull bomb with extra nuklear energy. stand a long way from these when you detonate them. * Super Devistator Ammo pack: 50 shots Max shots: 500 For even more massive ground clearances. =================== 4. DUKEMATCH LEVELS =================== These DukeMatch levels are in the "The Birth" episode. * "Fultline" * "Washington Momorial" * "Holiday Escape" * "Shop Till you Drop" * "Airport" * "187" * "Pins & Needles" =========== 5. CREDITS =========== Wardie Entertianment: *Level Editing: wardie / E2L1 Garfield *Con Editing: wardie (with help from Map Faq Tutorials) *Art Editing: wardie (some art from Shadow Worrier & other TC's) *Voc Editing: wardie (some from Shadow Worrier) I would like to thank all people who have supported me. Also thanks to 3D Realms for making a great game. ============= 6. FILENAMES ============= American Assault.ZIP contains the following files: * American Assult.bat * Assult.txt * demo1.usa * demo2.usa * user.usa * Assult.grp =============== 7. OTHER STUFF =============== * Play Information * Episodes : "Florida Fury" "Central City Caoz" "Sky High Horror "USA Multiplay" Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-8 Player : No DukeMatch 2-8 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yes Plutonium Pak Required : Yes New Art : Yes New Music : Yes New Sound Effects : Yes New .CON Files : Yes Demos Replaced : Yes * Important Notes * Please copy this add-on to all your friends ! I would also like to know what you think about My TC. You can e-mail Me at ward@ruralnet.net.au Watch out for future releases from Wardie Entertainment American Assault - Total Conversion (c) Wardie Entertainment 1999 ======================================================================